Source code for pygeohydro.pygeohydro

"""Accessing data from the supported databases through their APIs."""
import io
import zipfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import folium
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pygeoogc as ogc
import pygeoutils as geoutils
import rasterio as rio
import xarray as xr
from pygeoogc import WMS, RetrySession, ServiceURL
from pynhd import NLDI, WaterData
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Point, Polygon

from . import helpers
from .exceptions import InvalidInputRange, InvalidInputType, InvalidInputValue

DEF_CRS = "epsg:4326"

[docs]class NID: """Retrieve data from the National Inventory of Dams.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self.session = RetrySession() self.base_url = "" self.headers = { "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "DNT": "1", }
[docs] def get_xlsx(self) -> io.BytesIO: """Get the excel file that containes the dam data.""" self.headers.update({"Cookie": "ORA_WWV_APP_105=ORA_WWV-QM2rrHvxwzROBqNYVD0WIlg2"}) payload = {"InFileName": "NID2019_U.xlsx"} r = self.session.get( f"{self.base_url}/NID_R.DOWNLOADFILE", payload=payload, headers=self.headers ) return io.BytesIO(r.content)
[docs] def get_attrs(self, variables: List[str]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get descriptions of the NID variables.""" self.headers.update({"Cookie": "ORA_WWV_APP_105=ORA_WWV-iaBJjzLW1v3a1s1mXEub0S7R"}) desc: Dict[str, str] = {} for v in variables: payload = {"p": f"105:10:10326760693796::NO::P10_COLUMN_NAME:{v}"} page = self.session.get(f"{self.base_url}/f", payload=payload, headers=self.headers) tables = pd.read_html(page.text) desc[v] = tables[0]["Field Definition"].values[0] return desc
[docs] def get_codes(self) -> str: """Get the definitions of letter codes in NID database.""" self.headers.update({"Cookie": "ORA_WWV_APP_105=ORA_WWV-Bk16kg_4BwSK2anC36B4XBQn"}) payload = {"p": "105:21:16137342922753::NO:::"} page = self.session.get(f"{self.base_url}/f", payload=payload, headers=self.headers) return page.text
[docs]def get_nid() -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """Get all dams in the US (over 91K) from National Inventory of Dams 2019. Notes ----- This function downloads a 25 MB `xlsx` file and convert it into a GeoDataFrame. So, your net speed might be a bottleneck. Another bottleneck is data loading since the dataset has more than 91K rows, it might take sometime for Pandas to load the data into memory. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame A GeoDataFrame containing all the available dams in the database. This dataframe has an ``attrs`` property that contains definitions of all the NID variables including their units. You can access this dictionary by, for example, ``nid.attrs`` assuming that ``nid`` is the dataframe. For example, ``nli.attrs["VOLUME"]`` returns the definition of the ``VOLUME`` column in NID. """ service = NID() nid = pd.read_excel(service.get_xlsx(), engine="openpyxl", index_col=0) attrs = service.get_attrs(nid.columns) nid["INSPECTION_DATE"] = nid.INSPECTION_DATE.str.replace("3018", "2018") for c in ["INSPECTION_DATE", "SUBMIT_DATE", "EAP_LAST_REV_DATE"]: nid[c] = pd.to_datetime(nid[c]) for c in ["NUMBER_OF_LOCKS", "YEAR_COMPLETED"]: nid[c] = nid[c].astype("Int16") nid["geometry"] = [Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(nid.LONGITUDE, nid.LATITUDE)] nid = gpd.GeoDataFrame(nid, crs="epsg:4326").drop(columns=["LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE"]) nid.loc[~nid.is_valid, "geometry"] = pd.NA nid.attrs = attrs return nid
[docs]def get_nid_codes() -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the definitions of letter codes in NID database. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A multi-index dataframe where the first index is code categories and the second one is letter codes. For example, ``tables.loc[('Core Type', 'A')]`` returns Bituminous Concrete. """ tables_txt = NID().get_codes() summary = [ s.split("summary=")[-1].split('"')[1::2][0] for s in tables_txt.split("\n") if "summary" in s ] tables = [ pd.read_html(tables_txt, attrs={"class": "t-Report-report", "summary": s})[0] for s in summary[1:] ] tables = [ tb.rename(columns={"CODE": "Code", "VALUE": "Value"}).set_index("Code") for tb in tables ] return pd.concat(tables, keys=summary[1:])
[docs]def ssebopeta_byloc( coords: Tuple[float, float], dates: Union[Tuple[str, str], Union[int, List[int]]], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Daily actual ET for a location from SSEBop database in mm/day. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple Longitude and latitude of the location of interest as a tuple (lon, lat) dates : tuple or list, optional Start and end dates as a tuple (start, end) or a list of years [2001, 2010, ...]. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Daily actual ET for a location """ if not (isinstance(coords, tuple) and len(coords) == 2): raise InvalidInputType("coords", "tuple", "(lon, lat)") lon, lat = coords f_list = _get_ssebopeta_urls(dates) session = RetrySession() with session.onlyipv4(): def _ssebop(urls: Tuple[str, str]) -> Dict[str, Union[str, List[float]]]: dt, url = urls r = session.get(url) z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content)) with rio.MemoryFile() as memfile: memfile.write([0].filename)) with as src: return { "dt": dt, "eta": [e[0] for e in src.sample([(lon, lat)])][0], } eta_list = ogc.utils.threading(_ssebop, f_list, max_workers=4) eta = pd.DataFrame.from_records(eta_list) eta.columns = ["datetime", "eta (mm/day)"] eta = eta.set_index("datetime") return eta * 1e-3
[docs]def ssebopeta_bygeom( geometry: Union[Polygon, Tuple[float, float, float, float]], dates: Union[Tuple[str, str], Union[int, List[int]]], geo_crs: str = DEF_CRS, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Get daily actual ET for a region from SSEBop database. Notes ----- Since there's still no web service available for subsetting SSEBop, the data first needs to be downloaded for the requested period then it is masked by the region of interest locally. Therefore, it's not as fast as other functions and the bottleneck could be the download speed. Parameters ---------- geometry : shapely.geometry.Polygon or tuple The geometry for downloading clipping the data. For a tuple bbox, the order should be (west, south, east, north). dates : tuple or list, optional Start and end dates as a tuple (start, end) or a list of years [2001, 2010, ...]. geo_crs : str, optional The CRS of the input geometry, defaults to epsg:4326. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray Daily actual ET within a geometry in mm/day at 1 km resolution """ _geometry = geoutils.geo2polygon(geometry, geo_crs, DEF_CRS) f_list = _get_ssebopeta_urls(dates) session = RetrySession() with session.onlyipv4(): def _ssebop(url_stamped: Tuple[str, str]) -> Tuple[str, xr.DataArray]: dt, url = url_stamped resp = session.get(url) zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(resp.content)) content =[0].filename) ds = geoutils.gtiff2xarray({"eta": content}, _geometry, DEF_CRS) return dt, ds.expand_dims({"time": [dt]}) resp_list = ogc.utils.threading(_ssebop, f_list, max_workers=4) data = xr.merge(OrderedDict(sorted(resp_list, key=lambda x: x[0])).values()) eta = data.eta.copy() eta *= 1e-3 eta.attrs.update({"units": "mm/day", "nodatavals": (np.nan,)}) return eta
def _get_ssebopeta_urls( dates: Union[Tuple[str, str], Union[int, List[int]]] ) -> List[Tuple[pd.DatetimeIndex, str]]: """Get list of URLs for SSEBop dataset within a period or years.""" if not isinstance(dates, (tuple, list, int)): raise InvalidInputType( "dates", "tuple, list, or int", "(start, end), year, or [years, ...]" ) if isinstance(dates, tuple): if len(dates) != 2: raise InvalidInputType( "dates", "Start and end should be passed as a tuple of length 2." ) start = pd.to_datetime(dates[0]) end = pd.to_datetime(dates[1]) if start < pd.to_datetime("2000-01-01") or end > pd.to_datetime("2020-12-31"): raise InvalidInputRange("SSEBop database ranges from 2000 to 2020.") date_range = pd.date_range(start, end) else: years = dates if isinstance(dates, list) else [dates] seebop_yrs = np.arange(2000, 2020) if any(y not in seebop_yrs for y in years): raise InvalidInputRange("SSEBop database ranges from 2000 to 2018.") d_list = [pd.date_range(f"{y}0101", f"{y}1231") for y in years] date_range = d_list[0] if len(d_list) == 1 else d_list[0].union_many(d_list[1:]) base_url = ServiceURL().http.ssebopeta f_list = [ (d, f"{base_url}/det{d.strftime('%Y%j')}") for d in date_range ] return f_list
[docs]def nlcd( geometry: Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon, Tuple[float, float, float, float]], resolution: float, years: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[int]]] = None, geo_crs: str = DEF_CRS, crs: str = DEF_CRS, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Get data from NLCD database (2016). Download land use/land cover data from NLCD (2016) database within a given geometry in epsg:4326. Parameters ---------- geometry : Polygon, MultiPolygon, or tuple of length 4 The geometry or bounding box (west, south, east, north) for extracting the data. resolution : float The data resolution in meters. The width and height of the output are computed in pixel based on the geometry bounds and the given resolution. years : dict, optional The years for NLCD data as a dictionary, defaults to {'impervious': 2016, 'cover': 2016, 'canopy': 2016}. Set the value of a layer to None, to ignore it. geo_crs : str, optional The CRS of the input geometry, defaults to epsg:4326. crs : str, optional The spatial reference system to be used for requesting the data, defaults to epsg:4326. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray NLCD within a geometry """ years = {"impervious": 2016, "cover": 2016, "canopy": 2016} if years is None else years layers = _nlcd_layers(years) _geometry = geoutils.geo2polygon(geometry, geo_crs, crs) wms = WMS(ServiceURL().wms.mrlc, layers=layers, outformat="image/geotiff", crs=crs) r_dict = wms.getmap_bybox(_geometry.bounds, resolution, box_crs=crs) ds = geoutils.gtiff2xarray(r_dict, _geometry, crs) if isinstance(ds, xr.DataArray): ds = ds.to_dataset() for n in ds.keys(): if "cover" in n.lower(): ds = ds.rename({n: "cover"}) ds.cover.attrs["units"] = "classes" elif "canopy" in n.lower(): ds = ds.rename({n: "canopy"}) ds.canopy.attrs["units"] = "%" elif "impervious" in n.lower(): ds = ds.rename({n: "impervious"}) ds.impervious.attrs["units"] = "%" return ds
def _nlcd_layers(years: Dict[str, Optional[int]]) -> List[str]: """Get NLCD layers for the provided years dictionary.""" nlcd_meta = helpers.nlcd_helper() names = ["impervious", "cover", "canopy"] avail_years = {n: nlcd_meta[f"{n}_years"] + [None] for n in names} if not isinstance(years, dict): raise InvalidInputType( "years", "dict", "{'impervious': 2016, 'cover': 2016, 'canopy': 2016}" # noqa: FS003 ) if any(yr not in avail_years[lyr] for lyr, yr in years.items()): vals = [f"\n{lyr}: {', '.join(str(y) for y in yr)}" for lyr, yr in avail_years.items()] raise InvalidInputValue("years", vals) layers = [ f'NLCD_{years["canopy"]}_Tree_Canopy_L48', f'NLCD_{years["cover"]}_Land_Cover_Science_product_L48', f'NLCD_{years["impervious"]}_Impervious_L48', ] nones = [lyr for lyr in layers if "None" in lyr] for lyr in nones: layers.remove(lyr) if len(layers) == 0: raise InvalidInputRange("At least one of the layers should have a non-None year.") return layers
[docs]class NWIS: """Access NWIS web service.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self.session = RetrySession() self.url = ServiceURL().restful.nwis
[docs] @staticmethod def query_byid(ids: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Generate the geometry keys and values of an ArcGISRESTful query.""" if not isinstance(ids, (str, list)): raise InvalidInputType("ids", "str or list") ids = [str(i) for i in ids] if isinstance(ids, list) else [str(ids)] query = {"sites": ",".join(ids)} return query
[docs] @staticmethod def query_bybox(bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Generate the geometry keys and values of an ArcGISRESTful query.""" geoutils.check_bbox(bbox) query = {"bBox": ",".join(f"{b:.06f}" for b in bbox)} return query
[docs] def get_info(self, query: Dict[str, str], expanded: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get NWIS stations by a list of IDs or within a bounding box. Only stations that record(ed) daily streamflow data are returned. The following columns are included in the dataframe with expanded set to False: ================== ================================== Name Description ================== ================================== site_no Site identification number station_nm Site name site_tp_cd Site type dec_lat_va Decimal latitude dec_long_va Decimal longitude coord_acy_cd Latitude-longitude accuracy dec_coord_datum_cd Decimal Latitude-longitude datum alt_va Altitude of Gage/land surface alt_acy_va Altitude accuracy alt_datum_cd Altitude datum huc_cd Hydrologic unit code parm_cd Parameter code stat_cd Statistical code ts_id Internal timeseries ID loc_web_ds Additional measurement description medium_grp_cd Medium group code parm_grp_cd Parameter group code srs_id SRS ID access_cd Access code begin_date Begin date end_date End date count_nu Record count hcdn_2009 Whether is in HCDN-2009 stations ================== ================================== Parameters ---------- query : dict A dictionary containing query by IDs or BBOX. Use ``query_byid`` or ``query_bbox`` class methods to generate the queries. expanded : bool, optional Whether to get expanded sit information for example drainage area. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame NWIS stations """ if not isinstance(query, dict): raise InvalidInputType("query", "dict") output_type = [{"outputDataTypeCd": "dv"}] if expanded: output_type.append({"siteOutput": "expanded"}) site_list = [] for t in output_type: payload = { **query, **t, "format": "rdb", "parameterCd": "00060", "siteStatus": "all", "hasDataTypeCd": "dv", } resp ="{self.url}/site", payload).text.split("\n") r_list = [txt.split("\t") for txt in resp if "#" not in txt] r_dict = [dict(zip(r_list[0], st)) for st in r_list[2:]] site_list.append(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(r_dict).dropna()) if expanded: sites = pd.merge( *site_list, on="site_no", how="outer", suffixes=("", "_overlap") ).filter(regex="^(?!.*_overlap)") else: sites = site_list[0] sites.loc[sites.alt_va == "", "alt_va"] = pd.NA try: sites = sites.drop(sites[sites.parm_cd != "00060"].index) sites["begin_date"] = pd.to_datetime(sites["begin_date"]) sites["end_date"] = pd.to_datetime(sites["end_date"]) except AttributeError: pass float_cols = ["dec_lat_va", "dec_long_va", "alt_va", "alt_acy_va"] if expanded: float_cols += ["drain_area_va", "contrib_drain_area_va"] sites[float_cols] = sites[float_cols].apply(lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x, errors="coerce")) sites = sites[sites.site_no.apply(len) == 8] site_ids = sites.site_no.tolist() gii = WaterData("gagesii", DEF_CRS) hcdn_dict: Dict[str, str] = {} try: hcdn = gii.byid("staid", site_ids) hcdn_dict.update(hcdn[["staid", "hcdn_2009"]].set_index("staid").hcdn_2009.to_dict()) except AttributeError: for sid in site_ids: try: hcdn = gii.byid("staid", sid) hcdn_dict.update( hcdn[["staid", "hcdn_2009"]].set_index("staid").hcdn_2009.to_dict() ) except AttributeError: hcdn_dict.update({sid: None}) def hcdn_2009(x: str) -> Optional[bool]: _hcdn = hcdn_dict.get(x) if _hcdn is not None: return len(_hcdn) > 0 return None sites["hcdn_2009"] = sites.site_no.apply(hcdn_2009) return sites
[docs] def get_streamflow( self, station_ids: Union[List[str], str], dates: Tuple[str, str], mmd: bool = False ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get daily streamflow observations from USGS. Parameters ---------- station_ids : str, list The gage ID(s) of the USGS station. dates : tuple Start and end dates as a tuple (start, end). mmd : bool Convert cms to mm/day based on the contributing drainage area of the stations. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Streamflow data observations in cubic meter per second (cms) """ if not isinstance(station_ids, (str, list)): raise InvalidInputType("ids", "str or list") station_ids = station_ids if isinstance(station_ids, list) else [station_ids] if not isinstance(dates, tuple) or len(dates) != 2: raise InvalidInputType("dates", "tuple", "(start, end)") start = pd.to_datetime(dates[0]) end = pd.to_datetime(dates[1]) siteinfo = self.get_info(self.query_byid(station_ids)) check_dates = siteinfo.loc[ ( (siteinfo.stat_cd == "00003") & (start < siteinfo.begin_date) & (end > siteinfo.end_date) ), "site_no", ].tolist() nas = [s for s in station_ids if s in check_dates] if len(nas) > 0: raise InvalidInputRange( "Daily Mean data unavailable for the specified time " + "period for the following stations:\n" + ", ".join(nas) ) payload = { "format": "json", "sites": ",".join(station_ids), "startDT": start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "endDT": end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "parameterCd": "00060", "statCd": "00003", "siteStatus": "all", } resp ="{self.url}/dv", payload) time_series = resp.json()["value"]["timeSeries"] r_ts = { t["sourceInfo"]["siteCode"][0]["value"]: t["values"][0]["value"] for t in time_series } def to_df(col: str, dic: Dict[str, Any]) -> pd.DataFrame: discharge = pd.DataFrame.from_records(dic, exclude=["qualifiers"], index=["dateTime"]) discharge.index = pd.to_datetime(discharge.index) discharge.columns = [col] return discharge qobs = pd.concat([to_df(f"USGS-{s}", t) for s, t in r_ts.items()], axis=1) # Convert cfs to cms qobs = qobs.astype("float64") * 0.028316846592 if mmd: nldi = NLDI() basins = nldi.get_basins(station_ids) eck4 = "+proj=eck4 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" area = basins.to_crs(eck4).area ms2mmd = 1000.0 * 24.0 * 3600.0 qobs = qobs.apply(lambda x: x / area.loc["-")[-1]] * ms2mmd) return qobs
[docs]def interactive_map(bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float]) -> folium.Map: """Generate an interactive map including all USGS stations within a bounding box. Notes ----- Only stations that record(ed) daily streamflow data are included. Parameters ---------- bbox : tuple List of corners in this order (west, south, east, north) Returns ------- folium.Map Interactive map within a bounding box. """ geoutils.check_bbox(bbox) nwis = NWIS() query = nwis.query_bybox(bbox) sites = nwis.get_info(query, expanded=True) sites["coords"] = list(sites[["dec_lat_va", "dec_long_va"]].itertuples(name=None, index=False)) sites["altitude"] = ( sites["alt_va"].astype("str") + " ft above " + sites["alt_datum_cd"].astype("str") ) sites["drain_area_va"] = sites["drain_area_va"].astype("str") + " square miles" sites["contrib_drain_area_va"] = sites["contrib_drain_area_va"].astype("str") + " square miles" cols_old = [ "site_no", "station_nm", "coords", "altitude", "huc_cd", "drain_area_va", "contrib_drain_area_va", "begin_date", "end_date", "hcdn_2009", ] cols_new = [ "Site No.", "Station Name", "Coordinate", "Altitude", "HUC8", "Drainage Area", "Contributing Drainage Area", "Begin date", "End data", "HCDN 2009", ] sites = sites.rename(columns=dict(zip(cols_old, cols_new)))[cols_new] msgs = [] for row in sites.itertuples(index=False): msg = "" for col in sites: msg += "".join( ["<strong>", col, "</strong> : ", f"{row[sites.columns.get_loc(col)]}<br>"] ) msgs.append(msg[:-4]) sites["msg"] = msgs west, south, east, north = bbox lon = (west + east) * 0.5 lat = (south + north) * 0.5 imap = folium.Map(location=(lat, lon), tiles="Stamen Terrain", zoom_start=10) for coords, msg in sites[["Coordinate", "msg"]].itertuples(name=None, index=False): folium.Marker( location=coords, popup=folium.Popup(msg, max_width=250), icon=folium.Icon() ).add_to(imap) return imap
[docs]def cover_statistics(ds: xr.Dataset) -> Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, float]]]: """Percentages of the categorical NLCD cover data. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Returns ------- dict Statistics of NLCD cover data """ nlcd_meta = helpers.nlcd_helper() cover_arr = ds.values total_pix = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(cover_arr)) class_percentage = dict( zip( list(nlcd_meta["classes"].values()), [ cover_arr[cover_arr == int(cat)].shape[0] / total_pix * 100.0 for cat in list(nlcd_meta["classes"].keys()) ], ) ) cov = np.floor_divide(cover_arr[~np.isnan(cover_arr)], 10).astype("int") cat_list = ( np.array([np.count_nonzero(cov == c) for c in range(10) if c != 6]) / total_pix * 100.0 ) category_percentage = dict(zip(list(nlcd_meta["categories"].keys()), cat_list)) return {"classes": class_percentage, "categories": category_percentage}